My Projects

Here are some projects I've worked on recently, both Full Stack and Unity games.

Disneyland average wait time

A Back-end of a trip-planning application for Disneyland. I am creating an API that displays the average wait time for each ride at Disneyland Paris

  GitHub  Demo
Weather App

A simple weather app that lets you save favorites and get the current location and the location for the next five days. I Developed the front-end using React and styled with Material UI.

  GitHub  Demo
Our Shop

A front-end project for an e-commerce website. Utilized an existing fake-shop API to display products, categories, and other related data on the website. I Developed the front-end using React and styled with Material UI.

  GitHub  Demo
Picking Up Time

After-school childcare setting. With this application, parents can easily set the pickup time for their child, and guides can efficiently manage and track the schedule, including any changes. Managers can also have a clear overview of the schedule and make necessary updates.

  GitHub  Demo
In The Dark

Created realistic terrains, assets, and particle systems to enhance the immersive gaming experience. Utilized Raycast technology to improve realism and create engaging combat scenarios.

  GitHub  Demo
Rush Game

Implemented pathfinder algorithm BFS to create enemy movement patterns and optimize gameplay. Designed and strategically placed towers to provide engaging combat scenarios and protect the treasure.

  GitHub  Demo